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[Year-end summary] Today's winter solstice, what do you eat in traditional customs in your hometown?

[Year-end summary] Today's winter solstice, what do you eat in traditional customs in your hometown?

Every year before the winter solstice, my mother will call to remind us: "Tomorrow is the winter solstice, remember to rub a few "rice" (xi) and eat it, and you will have good luck in the coming year!" Year after year, it never stops! "Mishi", pronounced (xi) in our hometown, is a glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in soybean flour mixed with sugar. Mother's nagging every year, let us not go against the old man's will. However, the spouse and children d not like to eat it. So I improved it and turned it into a traditional snack that disappears as soon as it is served.

Prep Time


4 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

20 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

5 min


Total Time
Total Time
25 min
category icon
Chinese Halal Dishes







Glutinous rice flour; peanuts (or soybeans, or sesame seeds); white sugar (brown sugar can be used if soybeans are used)


Every year before the winter solstice, my mother will call to remind us: "Tomorrow is the winter solstice, remember to rub a few "rice" (xi) and eat it, and you will have good luck in the coming year!" Year after year, it never stops! "Mishi", pronounced (xi) in our hometown, is glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in soybean flour mixed with sugar. Mother's nagging every year, let us not go against the old man's will. However, spouse and children do not like to eat it. So I improved it and turned it into a traditional snack that disappears as soon as it is served. Here's how I did it...


Glutinous rice flour; peanuts (or soybeans, or sesame seeds); white sugar (brown sugar can be used if soybeans are used)


1. Stir-fry the peanuts with a low heat, let them cool, and grind them into powder with a machine, not too fine, some grains will have a better taste, mix in an appropriate amount of white sugar, the amount of white sugar is about half of that of peanuts.

2️. Put the glutinous rice flour in a container, add boiling water to about 1/3 of the flour, mix well with chopsticks; then slowly add an appropriate amount of cold water, mix well, and knead it into a dough by hand.

3️. Divide the dough into small doses and roll into balls.

4️. Boil a pot of water, boil the water, put in the dumplings, cook until the dumplings float and swell, remove the dumplings, and put them in the prepared ice water to cool.

5. Take out the cooled dumpling, wrap a layer of peanut powder in the peanut sugar powder, and the "Mixi" is ready!

Delicious "Mixi"
Freshly made "Mixi"
3 ingredients of "Mixi"
Glutinous rice balls
"Mixi" is boiling in the water
Floating in the water
Crushed peanuts
Roll the peanuts over the balls
"Mixi" is almost gone
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