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Super delicious banana pancakes for baby food


Super delicious banana pancakes for baby food

We all know how important it is to start a baby on a healthy diet. But what if your baby doesn't like the food you're giving them? You can use these banana pancakes to get your baby started on the right track. These pancakes are super delicious and easy to make. They are also gluten-free and dairy-free, so they're perfect for babies with allergies or intolerances. The ingredients are simple: bananas, eggs, and pancake mix. Mix them together in a bowl until they're well combined and then cook them in a pan until they're golden brown.

Prep Time


1 baby
Prep Time

Prep Time

8 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

2 min


Total Time
Total Time
10 min
category icon
Kids Friendly Food


food processer



mixing bowl


An egg

A banana pancake & waffle mix 40g

One to two tablespoons of water, optional



An egg

A banana pancake & waffle mix 40g

One to two tablespoons of water, optional

1. Put eggs and bananas into a food processor and puree. Add to pancake mix and mix well.

In fact, it is ready to cook now, but if the bananas are relatively raw and have less water, the current mix may be thicker. It's ok if you don't add water, but the mini muffins will be thicker. For thinner muffins, add a tablespoon or two of water and mix well. After adding water, the fluidity of the mix is ​​relatively large, and it can spread out thinner muffins 🥞

2. Turn the heat to the minimum, heat a pan slightly, brush with a thin layer of oil. Pour the mix into a point and form a circle by itself.

3. When the mix is ​​slightly bulging and bubbly, turn over and fry.

Note that the pan will be hot after a long time, and it will be easy to fry even if the minimum fire is turned on. When you find that the batter is poured into the pot and turn it over at the right time, it turns a little black, just remove the pot from the heat for a while!

baby food banana pancake
little pancakes cooking
365 organic buttermilk pancake & waffle mix
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