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Summer Berry Parfait with Yogurt and Granola

Summer Berry Parfait with Yogurt and Granola

Enjoy this large parfait with fresh berries, it can be used as a healthy breakfast or snack.

Prep Time


1 person
Prep Time

Prep Time

10 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

0 min


Total Time
Total Time
10 min
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  1. Large bowl


  1. 3/4 cup raspberries
  2. 3/4 cup blueberries
  3. 6 ounce of vanilla yogurt
  4. 1/3 cup granola
  5. Sliced banana (half)


Parfait is the French word for "perfect". This was originated as an icy dish where it is composed of ice cream and smoothie/chipped ice. After it comes to the US, it became a slim and long cup, filled with ice cream, jelly, cream, fruit pieces, fruit puree, etc.. (cold stuff). The proportion of ice cream is not as high as it is in Sundae, sometimes the ice cream is also replaced by yoghurt. Jelly and cream are sometimes replaced by multigrain cereal/gronola.

One way to make this would be putting granola/cereal, berries and yogurt all together in one bowl and enjoy!

Raspberry with Granola

Another way would be to layer 1/4 cup raspberries, 1/4 cup blueberries, 2 ounce vanilla yogurt, 1/3 tablespoon wheat germ, few pieces of sliced banana, two tablespoons of granola. We can build the parfait up according to our own way.

This is a very simple dessert to make. We can switch between different berries to put in, like sliced strawberries, blackberries, etc..

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