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Simple, delicious, bread everyone must make toast


Simple, delicious, bread everyone must make toast

Toast is a simple and delicious meal that everyone should make. Toast is a breakfast food that consists of bread that has been heated until the edges are browned, usually with butter or margarine spread on the surface. Toast can be served as part of an array of breakfast foods such as halal bacon, eggs, halal sausages, and fruit. Toasting bread is a common method for preparing it for sandwiches or other dishes.

Prep Time


3 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

1 hr
Cook Time

Cook Time

1 hr


Total Time
Total Time
2 hrs
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Mixing bowl


1. 340g milk (use a cup to measure 340g milk, microwave for 1 minute)

2. 5g yeast (when microwaving milk, measure out 5g yeast for use, pour it into the milk and stir it for 5-10 minutes. During the waiting process, we will start to prepare the following materials)

3. 500g flour

4. 2-3g salt

5. 34g sugar

6. 24g unsalted butter (I put an extra 1g this time, it doesn’t matter)


Toast is the main food of my husband and son. They like to eat the toast I make, so they make it every two days. The more I make it, the more I like this simple recipe, all in my head:

1. 340g milk (use a cup to measure 340g milk, microwave for 1 minute)

2. 5g yeast (when microwaving milk, measure out 5g yeast for use, pour it into the milk and stir it for 5-10 minutes. During the waiting process, we will start to prepare the following materials)

3. 500g flour

4. 2-3g salt

5. 34g sugar

6. 24g unsalted butter (I put an extra 1g this time, it doesn’t matter)

While waiting for the yeast to melt, measure out 3 - 6 with the bowl of the mixer, then pour in the milk that has melted the yeast, put it into the mixer at low speed (speed 1), and stir for 1 minute, then (speed 2 or 3) for 10 minutes, Basically, if the dough does not stick to the pot, you can take it out and knead it, knead it into a smooth dough, put it back in the pot, cover it with a lid or wrap it with plastic wrap, and let it ferment at room temperature for 1 hour. After setting the time, you can do it. thing.

After an hour, the dough will be fermented to 1-2 times its size. Take it out and knead it for 3 minutes as much as possible. Put it in the toast box for 2 times of fermentation for 1 hour. After setting the time, you can go to water the flowers and tidy up the yard. Time is running out, set the oven to 325, for 45 minutes.

Mix the flours
Mixing the dough

Note: ⚠️

1. Unsalted butter needs to be placed at room temperature in advance, which is the kind of softened state. For the statement that the butter needs to be put later, I did not do that, I put all the ingredients in the bowl at one time, for simplicity, and practice proved that it did not affect the taste.

2. The oven is heated at 355F by the heat pipe for 45 minutes; the oven heated by wind energy is heated up and down together, which is more powerful. The temperature is 30 degrees lower, and 325F is just right for 45 minutes. The performance of each oven is different. If the skin of the bread baked in the oven is brown in color after 15 minutes, you can take it out and wrap the surface with tin foil and continue to bake.

3. The flour can be high-gluten flour, also called bread flour. I use all-purpose flour, which does not hinder the taste.

4. If you can't eat so much, you can halve it and make a small toast.

5. The amount of salt and sugar can be handled according to their own needs, and the salt should not exceed 5 grams. The sugar is optional. If you like to eat toast alone, you can add a little more sugar. We want to add sauce, eggs, and cheese, so 34 grams is just right.

The toasted bread made by yourself is really fresher than the toasted bread bought outside. If you don't believe it, you can compare it.

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