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Japanese light cheesecake, the perfect summer light dessert

Japanese light cheesecake, the perfect summer light dessert

Japanese light cheesecake is a light and fluffy dessert that is perfect for the summer season. It's not too sweet, and it's very refreshing. The Japanese light cheesecake is a popular dessert in Japan. It's made from eggs, milk, sugar, flour, vanilla extract, lemon zest, and cream cheese. The cake has a soft texture and it tastes like cheesecake but without the heavy cream cheese taste.

Prep Time


3 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

25 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

35 min


Total Time
Total Time
1 hr
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cake mixer

egg beater


Cream cheese 50g

milk 20g

Butter 10g

1 egg

12g low-gluten flour

13g white sugar

few drops of lemon juice


The weather is getting warmer, and the craving for sweets that won't get tired of. What to eat? After searching around in my head, I found Japanese light cheesecake. First, it is relatively simple to make, and you don't have to risk being “mad” when making chiffon cakes. Second, it is calorie-friendly, and you don't have to bear the guilt after eating Basque. Coupled with the light and dense taste, it is the most perfect. Options.

The more I think about it, the more greedy I make it, I almost made it with drooling, and I left a hand "quite scheming" and made a four-inch one to prevent myself from losing control.

You can double the material if you have a small partner who wants to make a 6-inch one.

🍰Basic ingredients:

Cream cheese 50g

milk 20g

Butter 10g

1 egg

12g low-gluten flour

13g white sugar

few drops of lemon juice

👩🏻‍🍳Basic steps:

1. Prepare a 4-inch live-bottom chiffon cake mold, cut out a circle from oil paper and place it on the bottom, without padding or oiling the sides, and wrap the mold with tin foil.

2. Add milk to the cream cheese, and heat in a water bath or microwave until smooth and fine without particles.

⚠️Note: You can use the microwave to heat for one minute, then 20 seconds for 20 seconds. Do not heat for too long at one time, otherwise, it will splash everywhere.

3. Add the butter while it is still hot and stir well, then add the egg yolks and stir well, then add the sifted flour (the temperature of the batter is about 45 degrees at this time).

💡Note: After mixing evenly, you can sieve the batter into a bowl, so that the taste is more delicate (can be omitted)

4. Put the egg whites in the freezer for about ten minutes in advance. The frozen egg whites are more stable after being whipped. Be careful not to freeze them for too long, otherwise, they will not be whipped. If you accidentally over-froze, remember to warm it up at room temperature for a while before sending.

5. When whisking the egg whites, add sugar three times, and whisk at low speed throughout the process. The final state is a large elastic hook. After the egg whites are beaten, add a few drops of lemon juice and mix well, which can stabilize the egg whites, remove the fishy smell, and add a little sour taste. No lemon juice can be added.

6. Pour one-third of the meringue into the batter, gently stir it evenly, then pour the batter into the remaining meringue, and mix well, ⚠️ Be careful not to defame!

7. Add about one centimeter of water to the baking pan, put it in the preheated oven at 130 degrees, and bake for about 35 minutes. Turn on the roasting function for 1 minute to color. If there is no roasting function, adjust the maximum firepower.

⚠️Note: The temperature of each oven is different, please adjust the suitable temperature according to the temper of your own oven. It doesn't matter if there are small cracks on the surface of the cake, it will slowly disappear after baking.

8. After baking, take out the mold and lay it flat, no need to turn it upside down. Let cool until the cake falls back from the edge of the mold, and you can unmold it.

💡It is normal for the cake to shrink a little after it comes out of the oven!

9. Refrigerate for 2 hours or overnight for better taste~

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