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I love this delicate Japanese light cheesecake

I love this delicate Japanese light cheesecake

Japanese light cheesecake is a light and fluffy dessert that is made with cream cheese, eggs, and sugar. It has a unique texture that sets it apart from other types of cheesecakes. This dessert is perfect for those who are looking for something sweet but not too heavy. It's also great for special occasions like birthdays or anniversaries because it's easy to make and can be decorated with fresh fruit or other toppings. Plus, the lightness of this cake makes it a great choice for those who are watching their calorie intake.

Prep Time


3 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

30 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

90 min


Total Time
Total Time
2 hrs
category icon


mixing bowls


egg beater

weighing machine


cake molds


(2 x 6 inches)

Cream cheese 300 grams

Organic milk 120 grams

whipping cream 150 grams

5 eggs

35 grams of low-gluten flour

24 grams of corn starch

110 grams of organic coconut sugar

a little lemon juice (If you make a 6-inch, the amount of the formula is halved, and 3 eggs are used)


It has been many years since I made light cheesecake. This morning I was baking cakes in the kitchen 😄, thinking that since I made it, I would bake two plates at a time and save a piece for myself. This time the recipe does not use butter, but the taste is also very good. The entrance is dense and delicate, with a strong cheese flavor, so satisfying 😋.

🍰 Recipe: (2 x 6 inches)

Cream cheese 300 grams

Organic milk 120 grams

whipping cream 150 grams

5 eggs

35 grams of low-gluten flour

24 grams of corn starch

110 grams of organic coconut sugar

a little lemon juice (If you make a 6-inch, the amount of the formula is halved, and 3 eggs are used)

🌟 Prepare two 6-inch cake molds, cut a round baking paper on each, and spread a layer of softened butter on the wall of the baking tray for later use. If it is a mold with a live bottom, wrap it in tin foil.

🌟 Separate egg white and egg yolk, put white in refrigerator

🌟 Put cheese, milk and cream in the basin. Take a boiling water pot, put the basin on the water pot and heat it over water, stir and melt with an egg beater.

🌟 Remove from heat and continue to stir to cool down, sift in low-gluten flour and cornstarch and stir until smooth, then add the egg yolk to the cheese paste twice and stir evenly. Then sift the batter once and put it in the refrigerator to chill.

🌟 Preheat the oven to 290 degrees. Then start beating the egg whites. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the egg whites, add the organic coconut sugar in 3 additions, and beat until it becomes a large, moist foam.

🌟 Then start to mix the batter, pour it evenly into two baking pans, shake it twice to remove air bubbles. Put the baking tray in a deep baking tray, add 1.5cm-2cm of water, put it in the bottom of the oven and bake for about 1.5 hours. Finally, turn on the broil and bake for 2 minutes before turning off the heat. Remove the water tray and put the cake in the oven with the oven door open for about 20 minutes. Then you can take the cake out of the room and let it cool down before unmolding. Finally, it is best to refrigerate for two hours for a better taste.

baking the cake, cake will go down when completely cooled
soft and creamy
decorate with fruits
decorate with strawberry, blueberry and mango
Tie a ribbon
looks cute
Japanese light cheesecake
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