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Halal coconut curry chicken

Halal coconut curry chicken

A halal coconut and curry chicken recipe is a dish that is easy to make but has an exotic flavor. The key ingredient in this recipe is curry powder. Curry powder is a blend of spices that originated from India, and it can be found in most grocery stores.

Prep Time


1 person
Prep Time

Prep Time

10 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

20 min


Total Time
Total Time
30 min
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cutting board

frying pan


2 pieces of chicken breasts

1 small onion

1 potato

1 whole garlic

1/2 tsp ginger

3 tablespoons curry paste

Water, enough to cover all ingredients

Coconut milk 80~100ml


Halal coconut curry chicken recipe is a great way to make a delicious and healthy meal. The ingredients are easy to find and it can be made in less than 30 minutes. It also makes perfect baby food.


2 pieces of chicken breasts

1 small onion

1 potato

1 whole garlic

1/2 tsp ginger

3 tablespoons curry paste

Water, enough to cover all ingredients

Coconut milk 80~100ml


1. First cut the chicken breast and potato into cubes, cut the onion into slices, and cut the garlic and ginger into pieces.

2. In a hot oil pan, add garlic and minced ginger to fry until fragrant, then add onion and fry until soft, then add potatoes and chicken and stir fry.

3. Add the curry paste and stir fry evenly, then pour in the water and bring to a boil over high heat.

4. When the water boils, turn to medium-low heat and cover the pot, and simmer.

5. After all the ingredients are cooked and the potatoes are cooked, add the coconut milk and cook for another 5 minutes. 

6. Put the dish on the plate and enjoy.

Halal Coconut Curry Chicken

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