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Halal Black Sesame Chiffon Cake

Halal Black Sesame Chiffon Cake

Black Sesame Chiffon Cake is a delicious dessert that can be prepared in 2 hours. This cake is made with black sesame, which gives it a unique taste. The most important ingredient here is the black sesame paste, which can be found in Asian grocery stores. If you do not have any black sesame paste, you can make your own by grinding black sesame seeds in a food processor. The cake is topped with sweetened whipped cream and toasted sesame seeds for a beautiful presentation. To make the whipped cream, use an electric mixer to beat heavy whipping cream until stiff peaks form.

Prep Time


3 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

1 hr
Cook Time

Cook Time

1 hr


Total Time
Total Time
2 hrs
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egg beater

mixing bowl


50g low flour

25g edible oil

40g water or milk

50g black sesame walnut sauce

3 eggs (up to 60g with skin)

40g white sugar

3g cornstarch (optional)

few drops of lemon juice



50g low flour

25g edible oil

40g water or milk

50g black sesame walnut sauce

3 eggs (up to 60g with skin)

40g white sugar

3g cornstarch (optional)

few drops of lemon juice


1. Add black sesame paste to the oil and stir to dissolve. Add milk and stir to emulsify evenly. Sift the low-flour flour and stir gently in a Z-shape to prevent the flour from becoming gluten. Beat in three egg yolks and stir to form a paste, It doesn't matter, as long as there is no dry powder, just add the egg yolk and stir. You can also add the egg yolk first and then sift it into the low-powder, as long as the powder does not form small lumps, and you are not afraid of lumps, just sieve the whole egg yolk paste).

2. Crack 3 egg whites into a basin without oil and water, add a few drops of lemon juice and mix at low speed, the first time you add sugar when large thick bubbles appear, continue to mix at medium speed, when fine bubbles appear, add sugar for the second time, mix at medium speed until it just·· appears For the texture, add sugar for the third time, add all the sugar, stir at medium speed, then add starch, turn to low speed and beat until medium-dry foam, that is, close the egg beater, after the egg head stops, lift it upright sharp corners.

3. Add 1/3 of the egg white batter to the egg yolk batter and mix well, then pour it back into the egg white batter and mix up and down. In order to make the big air bubbles disappear during the falling process, pour the batter about 20 cm high from the mold. After pouring, lift and shake twice to remove air bubbles.

4. Preheat the oven to 300 F, bake for 45~55 minutes, turn to 320 F for another 10 minutes, and poke a toothpick to avoid sticking to the batter. Bake the inside at low temperature first, then raise the temperature to dry the surface. The specific temperature is adjusted according to the temper of your own oven. Take it out and let out the hot air twice. Immediately buckle it upside down on the grill. If the cake is higher than the mold, buckle it upside down. on a cup. After cooling down, manually demold. After the baked chiffon cake is cooled, the bottom and top of the cake will not sag or collapse. The tissue is soft and elastic, and it can rebound when pressed.

Black Sesame Chiffon Cake
Black Sesame Cake
Soft and Spongy
Package One Piece For a Friend

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