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Halal bacon wrapped asparagus

Halal bacon wrapped asparagus

Bacon-wrapped asparagus is a dish that I love. It’s best especially when asparagus is roasted and has a little salt. Halal beef bacon offers some nicely healthy flavor to the dish, if you are looking for something to do with bacon and want a short but sweet recipe this is it!

Prep Time


3 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

15 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

10 min


Total Time
Total Time
25 min
category icon


Mixing bowl


Cutting board

Frying pan



Halal Beef Bacon

Sauce mix:

Oyster sauce

light soy sauce


dark soy sauce (color)



a small amount of starch


Upon writing this article, it was found that there are many people who don't know the benefits of asparagus. Hopefully, this article can educate readers about the many health benefits of asparagus - for all readers to know. Ever wonder how bacon enhances a vegetable? Bacon is one of the most popular ways to cook vegetables. The fat from the bacon and the salt from the bacon will help make vegetables taste pop with flavor. If you are not feeling like cooking bacon, then you can always buy bacon grease, which is a great way to get the same taste. Asparagus has been said to have many health benefits, such as beneficial nutrients and antioxidants. Asparagus also helps relieve pain caused by swelling or arthritis. There are many different ways to cook asparagus. You can fry it, boil it, bake it, or grill it. If you are cooking asparagus for an elegant dinner party and want to roast them, be sure to find a rack that is not too close together so that the asparagus will have enough room to cook evenly.

Clean the asparagus and cut off the roots, then boil it with water and cut it into small pieces. I cut it into three pieces since the whole bacon is a bit long. So I probably would cut the bacon into three or four pieces. The length of the bacon depends on how many asparagus you are wrapping.

For example, If you pack three small asparagus, you need the halal beef bacon to be a little longer, about half of a bacon strip. If you wrap just one asparagus, 1/4 of the bacon length is enough. 

When rolling try to roll it tightly so that you don't need toothpicks to fix it. Place the halal bacon-wrapped asparagus in the pan, and slow frying in oil until the fragrance comes out. 

Since the asparagus is precooked, as long as the bacon is cooked it's ready to eat.

If you like to eat it with the sauce just like me, the sauce recipe below is for you. 

Sauce mix: Oyster sauce/light soy sauce/sugar/dark soy sauce (color)/salt/water/a small amount of starch

Mix all the sauces then pour them into the pot and cook it. Pour the sauce over the asparagus, the dish is so tasty, Bacon is crispy and the asparagus is delicious. 

Halal beef bacon wrapped asparagus with sauce
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