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Cranberry Walnut Bread | Easy Halal Recipes

Cranberry Walnut Bread | Easy Halal Recipes

Cranberry Walnut Bread is a delightful and flavorful treat that can be enjoyed by everyone, including those who follow a Halal diet. This easy recipe allows you to create a delicious loaf of bread with the perfect balance of tart cranberries and crunchy walnuts. This bread can be enjoyed as a breakfast treat or as an afternoon snack with a cup of tea or coffee. It also makes for a wonderful homemade gift during special occasions or holidays.

Prep Time


4 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

15 hrs
Cook Time

Cook Time

30 mins


Total Time
Total Time
15 hrs 30 mins
category icon


rolling pin


flour mixing bowl


400g all-purpose flour

320 grams of water

Yeast 3 grams

5 grams of salt

100g walnut kernels

100g dried cranberries


I used organic all-purpose flour bought at Costco to make delicious cranberry walnut bread😋


400g all-purpose flour

320 grams of water

Yeast 3 grams

5 grams of salt

100g walnut kernels

100g dried cranberries

👩🍳How to:

1. Mix flour ➕yeast ➕salt ➕water and stir while adding water. This is a very wet dough;

2. Cover and ferment for 1.5 hours, then use a small tool to fold the dough a few times;

3. Cover and ferment again, then refrigerate overnight, usually 12 hours;

4. The next day, take it out and leave it at room temperature for 1 hour to warm up. Crush the walnuts slightly.

5. Sprinkle more flour on the chopping board, put the dough on it, stretch and fold it a few times and press it flat with your hands, put all the dried walnuts on it, fold it inside and roll it into a round shape:

6. Take a cast iron pot, put a large piece of baking paper inside, put the dough in, cover and ferment for about 1.5 hours, it will be obviously a circle bigger;

7. Preheat the oven to 425F, take out the dough first, put the cast iron pot on the stove to heat up over high heat, then put the dough back inside, spray some water on the surface, sprinkle some flour, use a knife to make a few cuts, and cover it;

8. Bake in the middle rack of the oven for 30 minutes, take off the lid, bake for another 10 minutes, take it out to cool and slice.

walnut cranberry bread in slices
freshly baked walnut cranberry bread
organic bread flour

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