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Braised Chicken with Scallion Oil | Easy Halal Recipes

Braised Chicken with Scallion Oil | Easy Halal Recipes

Braised Chicken with Scallion Oil is a delicious and easy-to-make Halal recipe. It is a classic Chinese dish that can be served as an appetizer or as part of a main course. The chicken is cooked in a flavorful mix of soy sauce, scallions, garlic, ginger, and sesame oil. This combination creates a savory dish that pairs well with steamed rice or noodles. The addition of scallion oil adds an extra layer of flavor to the chicken making it even more irresistible. This recipe is perfect for those looking for an easy yet delicious Halal meal to serve their family and friends.

Prep Time


3 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

9 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

11 min


Total Time
Total Time
20 min
category icon



cutting board

wok/stir fry pan



Main ingredients:

👉🏻2 boneless chicken thighs cut into cubes

👉🏻8 chicken wings cut into pieces

Side ingredients:

👉🏻8 shallots cut into sections (7 cut into sections/1 chopped)

👉🏻 5 cloves of garlic cut in half


👉🏻2 tablespoons of soy sauce

👉🏻Oyster sauce 1 tablespoon

👉🏻Half tablespoon of sugar

👉🏻Filtered water 100cC


The chicken drumsticks are full of onion flavor and served with rice. It is not a problem to have several bowls of rice on this plate. Come and try it~

Main ingredients:

👉🏻2 boneless chicken thighs cut into cubes

👉🏻8 chicken wings cut into pieces

Side ingredients:

👉🏻8 shallots cut into sections (7 cut into sections/1 chopped)

👉🏻 5 cloves of garlic cut in half


👉🏻2 tablespoons of soy sauce

👉🏻Oyster sauce 1 tablespoon

👉🏻Half tablespoon of sugar

👉🏻Filtered water 100cC

Production method:

1. Put the chicken thigh and chicken wings into the pot with cold water, turn on the fire and boil for 5 minutes, then take it out and set aside

2️. In a cold pan, add 3 tablespoons of olive oil and shallots over medium heat, fry until slightly charred, then remove

Stir fry the scallions

3️. Add chicken thighs and chicken wings, turn to high heat and fry until the skin is golden

4️. Add soy sauce, oyster sauce and sugar, stir fry for 30 seconds

Stir fry chicken pieces and stir in the mixed sauces

5️. Add water, garlic and scallions, bring to a boil, cover the pot, turn on medium heat and simmer for 5 minutes and sprinkle with chopped scallions

Braised Chicken with Scallion Oil
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