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Beef sausage in clay pot rice


Beef sausage in clay pot rice

This clay pot recipe is simple to make, it requires very little preparation and can be made in a short amount of time. With only bok choy, beef sausage, egg and rice, you can also add other ingredients like corn, peas, carrots, potato, etc.. It is one of my favorite family dishes to make when I'm busy throughout the day.

Prep Time


3 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

5 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

40 min


Total Time
Total Time
45 min
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Cutting board




Bok choy

Halal beef sausage



Various spices


Let's get all the ingredients ready and get started!

First things first, let's wash the shiitake mushroom, bok choy, rinse the rice.

washed, cut ingredients with sauce on side
  1. Proportion of rice:water is 1:1.5, soak the rice in water for 15 mins.
  2. Cut the halal beef sausage into thin slices.
  3. Pour two teaspoons of olive oil in the rice, close the clay pot cover, turn the fire into large.
  4. When the water in the rice almost gone, this is may be at 60% of the steaming time. We can put the halal beef sausage slices, bok choy (you can cut into pieces if you want). and shiitake mushroom (cut into smaller pieces if you wish) into the pot.
  5. Put the clay pot cover over and let it simmer for few minutes.
  6. At the same time let's make the sauce: one spoon of soy sauce, one spoon of oyster sauce, one spoon of sesame oil or freshly fried scallion/onion oil, half a spoon of granulated sugar, two spoons of water. Mix. Note: spoon here means tablespoons.
  7. Crack an egg in the clay pot, let it simmer for few more minutes.
  8. Turn off fire, pour the sauce over, sprinkle some freshly cut garlic, scallion over the dish, and enjoy!
Freshly made beef sausage in clay pot rice

Putting the food into the bowl
Yummy halal beef sausage with rice!
This halal beef was bought in the wet market, it is so delicious

Halal beef sausage was bought in the wet market, it is already cooked meat, so when we put it in the clay pot, we only had the let the pot simmer, we didn't need to cook the beef, we are just making it warm, and letting the flavor go inside. On top of the package there are two chinese characters "Qing Zhen" indicating it is a halal beef sausage.

Beef sausage is a versatile ingredient so you can make a lot of other varieties of this dish. For instance, we can replace the vegetables or add more vegetables into this dish: broccoli, carrot, potato, edamame, peas, spinach, corn, baby corn, flat beans, bean sprouts and so many more.

What other vegetables do you like to put in your dish? Share your comments below and let's discuss!

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