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0 failed Basque cake bakes | Easy Halal Recipes


0 failed Basque cake bakes | Easy Halal Recipes

Halal recipes are becoming more popular as people look for ways to enjoy delicious food while still following their dietary restrictions. This article will explore 0 failed Basque cake bakes that offer a unique twist on traditional Halal recipes. We will discuss the use of easy-to-find ingredients, the importance of proper preparation, and how these cakes can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. Additionally, we will provide tips on how to make sure your Basque cake bakes are successful every time. With this information, you can create delicious Halal treats that everyone in your family can enjoy!

Prep Time


2 people
Prep Time

Prep Time

8 min
Cook Time

Cook Time

30 min


Total Time
Total Time
38 min
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weighing machine

paper cups


🍰 Cake preparation ingredients:

Cream cheese 225g

A bag of black tea

Light cream heavy cream 140g

two eggs 35g

granulated sugar (reduced)

Cornstarch 8g

🍵Tea Jelly Ingredients:

Black tea bag, water 300ml, halal gelatin powder 10g, organic brown sugar 20g


The weather in California has been weird for the past two days. I had to stay at home and bake!I saw several posts about making Basque cakes in the Little Red Book! Tried it myself!

The material is mainly bought from trader joe. Generally, the main material of the Basque cake is cream cheese. The key point of this drawing is that a 4-inch small cake can use a whole piece of 225g cream cheese. So if you want to make more flavors , it is better to prepare more.

🍰 Cake preparation ingredients:

Cream cheese 225g

A bag of black tea

Light cream heavy cream 140g

two eggs 35g

granulated sugar (reduced)

Cornstarch 8g

Melt cream cheese over water, add sugar and stir. Add eggs in two batches and mix well.

Add the black tea bag to the whipped cream and heat it on a low heat until the black tea taste comes out. Squeeze the tea bag with chopsticks or a spoon to speed up the taste. After that, mix more cream cheese. Then add cornstarch and stir until there are no particles. Then pour mold.

Set the oven at 420 degrees for 30 minutes. But check the surface at 25 minutes. If there is burnt surface, you can reduce the time.

🍵Tea Jelly Ingredients:

Black tea bag, water 300ml, halal gelatin powder 10g, organic brown sugar 20g

Boil 250ml water until bubbling and add tea bag. Pour in brown sugar and stir until melted. Add halal gelatin powder to 50ml water until melted. Then add black tea.

Wait for a little cooling and pour it into the baked and cooled Basque cake and put it in the refrigerator

I also made a Matcha Basque. I have replaced half of the cornstarch with trader joe's ube pancake powder. The effect is not as good as cornstarch.

Basque cake
Matcha Basque cake
Ingredients needed
measure the ingredients
freshly baked
also you can put in paper cups to make cup cake
Matcha cake
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